Wednesday, February 27, 2013

2 Going On 17

Julia has become quite the little woman in the past few months.... She is getting too big for her britches as some people in the South say.  She told me the other day on the way to daycare that she smelled something, and then she said "I know what it is... COFFEE!"  She also likes to boss the dogs around and tell them they need a check-up.  Chester always is the baby and Abby is the horse.  She is potty trained now and likes to tell you all about her panties.  She also tells you if she likes what clothes you put on her.  It will be a big shock for anyone that has not seen her in a while, to hear her talk and see her new found personality.

1 comment:

  1. Seems like the PT was a breeze! I have a friend whose daughter is about two months younger than Julia, but seems like a year younger!
